So much that, not only are they playing a very special booty set for P.B.J.T. on the 14th of May at The CAMP... oh no... Why stop there... They have also made all of you Peanut Booty Bassers the sickest mixtape going at the moment!

Yes, beware The Booteeolohgee Mix Tape is ready for you to download! It features ass popping tracks from: DJ Funk, DJ Deeon, DJ Assault, DJ Milton, DJ Slugo, DJ Godfather, Bitch Ass Darius, Blaxican, Jammin' Gerald, Waxmaster, Low End Theory, Gant Garrard (DJ Gantman), Paul Johnson, DJ Nephets, Steve Poindexter, Armando and many more...Make sure get on it
HERE or check it here:
Soundcloud , Don't break something now!